Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Target Audience

As our opening two minutes will be based around the horror genre, we have done some research into the genre to find out its target audience which we need to aim towards. Our target audience is an important factor when making our opening as from it, we are able to make it suitable and appropriate to maximise our viewers, which is why we decided to do an detailed investigation into the subject. We used the Pearl & Dean website to look and study films that were as close to our themes as possible such as 'The Purge: Anarchy' and 'A Night In The Woods' .
From our research, we found that The Purge: Anarchy's target audience was the younger population, where 66% of the viewers ranged from 15-24. As we'd hoped, A Night In The Woods had the same target audience, again 35% ranging from 15-24, suggesting that this should be the particular age group we aim our opening two minutes towards.
From our research, we also were able to establish that these types of genres were slightly more popular with males. The viewers of The Purge: Anarchy were 55% male and 45% female, not as big of a difference as we expected, despite this, 75% of A Night In The Woods viewers were male and 25% were female. This has taught us that in some cases we need to balance out all different themes of horror to attract both genders. Despite horror stereo-typically being a male dominated genre, it is easy to attract female viewers through the use of famous, attractive male actors.
Even though we are only researching the ages and genders of the films viewers, the Pearl & Dean website have also given us the most popular classes in the social structure to have watched the films. From this research, we have found that the most common class to watch A Night In The Woods was the lower-middle class, this was also the same for The Purge: Anarchy. The type of social class can be affected by both special effects and certain actors.

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