Evaluation of Preliminary Task
When filming our preliminary task our main aim was to include the rules of filming such as shot, reverse shot, match on action, the 180 degree rule and the 30 degree rule. We found our task successful as we incorporated most of the rules as well as a range of shots to make our short film creative. Our most successful parts of our preliminary task was the incorporation of match on action where we had a close up of the door handle when I walked into the classroom. Another successful part was when we used shot reverse shot to signify a conversation between myself and Lydia although, when editing we a target we decided to work on was to make the shots even better, was to take them from further away as we thought a close up was too close as a shot, or taking the shot behind someone's shoulder to allow the shots to move fluently.
When editing a success was being able to cut the shots very well to allow the film to have continuity. A target for our main task would be to find a more creative way when introducing the title of our main task as for this task, we had a lot of ideas for our title but did not know how to incorporate them into our film. Another target we can improve on for our main task would be to film where the scene has good lighting as when filming our shot reverse shot, the close ups on my face had good lighting, whereas the reverse shots on Lydia had very low lighting and didn't really allow the film to play fluently.
We didn't manage to use of the film practices when filming which is something we need to improve on leading up to our main task, the film practices we included were match on action and shot reverse shot. Despite not including all the rules, the rules we did use were filmed successfully and adequately.
If we could film the preliminary task again, we would think of a more creative way to film our shots as well as film practices to make our work even better. We would focus more on finding good lighting to allow continuity to carry on throughout the film and would also act more professional when filming and stick to our roles to make our film look more convincing.
If we could film the preliminary task again, we would think of a more creative way to film our shots as well as film practices to make our work even better. We would focus more on finding good lighting to allow continuity to carry on throughout the film and would also act more professional when filming and stick to our roles to make our film look more convincing.
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