Saturday, 15 November 2014

Casting: The Villain

The actor that we are hoping to play the villain in our opening horror film is Callum Kent. As he achieved an A in his two year Drama GCSE course we think that his skills and talents are needed and will be appreciated when filming our opening scene. Callum's specialities are being able to adjust into any character when given and being able to stay in that role for a long time. He is independent, but can work well in a team which is something we will value when filming together.
Callum has many experiences in acting during his two year Drama course, he has taken part in many group plays and has taken a lot of responsibility as the main character role. By Callum playing our antagonist he will have to use a lot of creepy and scary body language to present the character successfully. He would achieve this by using awkward and creepy facial and body expressions to make him look powerful and match the conventions of a horror villain. We are hoping to study tutorials on what makeup we can also use to make him look as close to a creepy villain as possible.

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