We have chosen this location for our opening scene. Our plot of the main character walking home from school innocent as to what is about to happen. We chose a forest location as it is a stereotypical convention convention of a horror, building tension and suspense for the audience in a chilling and spooky area where there the victim will be far off from any civilisation or help. This location also limits the area the focus of the audience has to be on, making the film easier to follow and the framing not being too cramped or busy. The path is just straight, so the direction helps increase the tension because the audience won’t know what’s round the corner.

The pathway is situated off of a main road in an open area, this will help the audiences expectation of what will happen to be limited. The forest looks incredibly ominous, old and spooky, this links into our plot, increasing the scare factor and tension we wish to achieve. Because we will be filming during the winter scene, the trees will have no leaves, leaving the branches bare which makes them look more eerie and intimidating.
Overall i personally believe that this location will be successful when filming our opening scene.
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