Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
After completing our opening scene, it is quite impressive how far we have come when looking back at our preliminary task we made at the start of the year. It is obvious that we have built upon our film making skills and it is quite interesting to look back and compare the two, allowing us to realise what progress we have made and how we have learnt from our mistakes.The differences between our preliminary task and opening scene are things such as the location, types of shots and different scenes; however this was mainly due to the very limited preparation we were given. The main difference between the two is the filming location. As we were given the instructions for our preliminary task under short notice, we chose our location more for practicality rather than anything else. This meant that the use of different shots we could use were also reduced, which shows significantly as the preliminary task is much more static and unrealistic. As you can see, this meant our preliminary was filmed in school whereas we purposely chose to use a quiet, secluded forest for the opening scene. Similarly, we had to create our own plot and our own script under short notice, apart from the need to include “What are you doing here?” into the scene. Although the line that we needed to incorporate helped the structure of the task, it made it slightly more difficult to come up with an idea for the scene as it limited our choices and ideas. Even though we were under pressure for time, it wasn't important to have a strong plot as the task was more focused on the use of camera work and so this is what we chose to focus on.

We used the conventional camera techniques in our preliminary task, such as match-on-action and shot reverse shot as the main purpose of the task was to practice and get used to using the techniques as they are so vital in successful films. We did try to employ the use of these techniques in our opening two minutes, i think match on action was our most successful camera shot as when editing we cut down each shot to make them look clean and smooth. We found that our preliminary task incorporated more of the typical camera techniques due to the heavy focus on camera work, whereas we found it more difficult to use of all the technical areas in our film as we had so much to concentrate on. Due to the genres and the pace of the film we found we paid more attention to the 180 degree rule in our preliminary rather than in our opening two minutes. This may have been because we were slightly more experienced and so were not forcing ourselves to use it as it came more naturally. Despite this, we did not use this technique that much and although we could have adapted the plot to fit it in like the other techniques, we did not feel that it was necessary.

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